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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 19 - Podcasts

This was fun! I've heard about podcasts for so long, but have never taken the time to check them out. There is so much out there! I did a search (at podcast.com) for some podcasts of booktalks or author interviews, and found a great website at http://www.justonemorebook.com/index.php?s=jack+prelutsky

This particular link will take you to an interview with Jack Prelutsky, and talks of some of his books. I think students would love to be able to "tune in" to a podcast to hear about some books, rather than just reading the summary, or always listening to what I have to say. I'll have to look into it more, but if I could find a bunch that are already done, we could easily set up some links for students to go to. Making my own is also a possibility, but of course that requires the element of more time . . .

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